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As I entered my thirteenth year of practicing law in the area of Estates & Trusts, I decided it was time to open my own law firm.  I wanted to create a practice focused exclusively in the area of Estates & Trusts so that all of our energy, resources, and time can be directed at providing the best possible representation to clients in that limited area of law.  In addition, I was committed to creating a model of representing clients that was centered on the principal of Intention.  To me, Intention means: taking time with clients; looking at all aspects of the client's needs including personal, financial, and tax; and giving the matter at hand the attention it requires to provide the best possible representation.  I made a conscious choice to build a law firm that is not focused on getting client after client, but instead, is focused on working with clients who both want and appreciate the level of representation we provide.

                                                                                                                              - Matthew F. Penater, May 1, 2018

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